Public Protection Classification (PPC) Reports

The ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC™ ) system provides information about the effectiveness of local fire department response in more than 47,000 fire protection areas around the United States. PPC Reports provide the PPC code, alternative PPC and water supply type (if applicable), corresponding fire protection area name for an address, and supplemental information, such as the name of — and the drive distance to — the responding fire station.  

Insurers use PPC information for:

ISO updates the PPC database the first day of each month.

Future Effective PPC Reports

Future Effective Public Protection Classification (FEPPC) Reports provide the future PPC for the fire protection area servicing the risk address, effective on a specified future date. Knowing the Future Effective PPC will help you streamline your policy renewal process and get ready for new business. Reports provide alerts up to three months in advance for fire protection areas that will experience a PPC change. The reports also provide Future Effective Dwelling PPC, where applicable.

A Future Effective PPC Report is available only with a detailed PPC Report for the same risk. ISO updates the Future Effective PPC file on the third day of each month.

To order a Public Protection Classification Report:

  1. Select Order Report from the left navigation bar on any ISO Passport page.

  2. Enter a name to identify the order, then click Next.

  3. On the New Order page, select the Personal Property or Commercial Property tab.

  4. Under the LOCATION® Reports category, select Public Protection Classification (PPC) Report and whether you want a Detailed or Abbreviated Report. If you request a detailed PPC Report, you may also select a Future Effective PPC Report.

  5. You can select additional reports with the same order. If needed, use the tabs to browse and make your selections.

  6. When you finish selecting reports, click Next at the bottom of the page.

  7. You may have to enter account numbers for some products. If requested to do so, enter the appropriate account numbers, then click Next.

  8. Enter the risk information required to process the order. Follow the instructions provided on the page as needed to display and enter information. A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

  9. Click Submit Order to process the order.

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