Reading Building Code Information Reports

The LOCATION® Building Code Information Report determines the correct Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS™ ) code for a location and the year in which the corresponding BCEGS classification became effective. BCEGS assesses the building codes in effect in a particular community and how well the community enforces its building code. ISO classifies the community on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 representing exemplary enforcement of a model code and 10 indicating no recognizable code enforcement.

The BCEGS program also includes classifications 98 and 99. Class 98 is exclusively for Florida and denotes a community that refuses to participate in the program. In that state, insurers may have to add a surcharge to the premium for properties built in communities with a grading of Class 98. Class 99 indicates that the jurisdiction is unclassified and ineligible for BCEGS discounts.

Only detailed reports are available for this service.

The Building Code Information Report provides the following information:

Risk Address

The address used to match against the database.

Return Source

Shows whether the match is on an address level or a ZIP-Code level.

 If the system cannot match the risk address on the address level, LOCATION attempts to match the address on the ZIP-Code level. If a ZIP-Code match is successful, the report shows up to ten BCEGS codes for the risk’s ZIP Code (in order from the highest to the lowest percent).


Displays the year in which the corresponding BCEGS classification became effective.


Displays the name of the community or county that enforced building codes in a given effective year in the area where the risk address is located.

BCEGS Personal Code

Displays the personal BCEGS code that applies to the jurisdiction and the year the code became effective.

BCEGS Commercial Code

Displays the commercial BCEGS code that applies to the jurisdiction and the year the code became effective.