LOCATION® Crime Reports enable you to identify the potential risk of personal and commercial crimes for specific addresses anywhere in the United States. The reports reflect past, current, and projected crime indices for ten crime types.
Crime Reports are available in both detailed and abbreviated formats. The detailed format (shown below) includes specific ratings for each crime category, while the abbreviated report provides only the past, current, and projected CAP Index score. The report displays commercial or residential scores, as selected.
Crime scores are determined from the assessed risks on crimes reported in an area surrounding a given location. For personal crime scores, the area extends out one mile from the location or — in densely populated areas — the distance required to enclose a population of 25,000. For commercial crime scores, the area extends out three miles from the location, or the distance required to enclose a population of 100,000. |
The Crime Report provides the following information:
Scoring |
The crime classifications and their enhanced scoring equivalent used for all crimes include:
Risk Address |
The address being queried. |
Return Source |
Shows whether the match is on an address level (“ADDRESS”), ZIP+4 level (ZIP4), or a ZIP Code level (“ZIP”). |
CAP Index Crime Information |
Displays the past, current, and projected scores for the specific crimes. |
CAP Index |
Displays the CAP Index score, based on a ranking system used to gauge a location’s potential risk of crime against the national average. The Index score represents the weighted average of the individual homicide, rape, and robbery scores for the location. It uses a scale of 1 (safest) to 10 (most dangerous) – the Enhanced version uses a scale of 0 (safest) to 2000 (most dangerous). The report emphasizes homicide, rape, and robbery because, in a business environment, they pose the greatest danger to employees and customers. |
Homicide |
Causing the death of another person without legal justification or excuse |
Rape |
Unlawful sexual intercourse by force or without legal or actual consent. Also includes attempts to commit rape and assaults of a sexual nature. |
Robbery |
Unlawful theft of money or property by force or threats from another person in a face-to-face encounter. |
Aggravated Assault |
Unlawful intentional inflicting of serious bodily injury on another person or the unlawful threat or attempt to inflict bodily injury or death by means of a deadly or dangerous weapon with or without the actual inflicting of any injury. |
Aggregate Crimes Against Person |
A weighted average of homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. |
Burglary |
Illegal entering of any property with the intent to commit a felony or larceny. |
Larceny |
Illegal taking of property, other than an automobile, by stealth and without force and with no intention of returning that property. |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Illegal taking or attempted taking of a motor vehicle with no intention of returning it. |
Aggregate Crimes Against Property |
A weighted average of burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. |
Arson |
Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn a dwelling, house, public building, motor vehicle, aircraft, or personal property — with or without intent to defraud. |