Reading OFAC Reports

OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) Reports identify individuals with whom your company should not do business because of their involvement in terrorist or illegal activities. ISO offers OFAC Report services as an optional enhancement to A-PLUS™ Loss History Reports. With this service, each time you order an A-PLUS Report, the system automatically checks the insured’s name against the master list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. If the system finds a match, ISO automatically notifies a designated OFAC representative at your company.

If you are your company's designated representative, you will need to log in to ISO Passport® using your specific OFAC ID and password to retrieve OFAC Reports. Your regular ISO Passport ID and password will not work for these reports.

If you receive a report of a match, you should do additional research to determine whether your customer is actually on the list. If the date of birth and Social Security number on the OFAC Report match your insured's information, you may have a hit. If so, you should call the OFAC hotline at 1-800-540-6322.

The OFAC Report provides the following information:

Original A-PLUS Request Information

Lists the search criteria from the A-PLUS report that triggered the OFAC search.

Product Ordered

Shows whether the original request was for an A-PLUS Auto or Property Report.

Order Name

Lists the code the user entered when he or she submitted the request for the A-PLUS Auto or Property Report. The code uniquely identifies each request.

Agency Branch Name

Lists the name of the insurance agency or branch that requested the A-PLUS report.

User ID

Shows the user ID of the individual who requested the A-PLUS report.

Order ID

Shows the A-PLUS report order number.

Match Reason

Indicates the reason the system returned the match, such as matching name, matching address, or matching Social Security number.

OFAC Match Number

Shows the unique record number for the match from the OFAC database.

Associated Names

Lists any aliases associated with the match.

Additional Information

Lists additional information about the match, including date of birth, alternate date of birth, place of birth (POB), and passport and Social Security numbers.